Cristal Chinchayán


Cristal’s dancing takes her all the way back when she was growing up in Peru. Born and raised in Trujillo, Peru she was placed into dance academies like Instituto Nacional de Cultura to learn Peruvian folklore like Marinera Norteña and ballet at a very early age.

As a teen she has always been part of the modern dance teams of her school, winning regional competitions both in the U.S and in Trujillo, Peru. She also choreographed for other school performances and got accepted into professional dance company “Fina Estampa” founded and directed by Guinness world record holder, eight-time Marinera champion of champions Mary-Carmen Olórtegui. While in the group, she trained and learned many styles of Peruvian folklore including Afro-Peruvian, Marinera Norteña, and Huaylarsh.

In 2002 Cristal moved back to North Carolina and not longer after, started dancing for a non-profit dance group “Corazon Peruano” under director Sonia Alvarado based in Raleigh, NC. She showcased many Peruvian folkloric dances at events while still enhancing her knowledge in Peruvian Folklore by attending workshops and tutorials taught by Marinera champions Alfredo Di Natale and Sonia Porras in Washington D.C.

Since early 2014 Cristal learned Samba under Iyainha Silva. As a student she began performing at various events and local festivals as part of “Movimentos de Samba” dance company. She has also attended classes by Janete Silva Aide and Maisa Duke learning samba nó pe and afro-Brazilian dance. In 2016 NC Brazilian Arts Project was born and has been performing ever since throughout the Carolinas. Like Marinera Norteña which she was taught as a child, she believes them to very close in speed and footwork which has eased in her learning samba nó pe and is fascinated at the similarities and the style in which both share.

In 2018 Cristal along with NCBAP Co-director Adriana got the opportunity to train and attend workshops in Rio de Janeiro taught by 2017 Carnival Queen/Raihna do Carnaval Uillana Adães, “King of Samba” Director of Choreography of Samba School Salgueiro Carlihnos Salgueiro,Raihna do Batucada Da Mangueira Evelyn Bastos and Império Serrano passista director Gabriél Castro. During this time she also participated in 2018 Carnaval de Rio De Janeiro representing Império Serrano and Académicos Da Rocinha Samba schools in the International Alas.

Cristal currently trains and continues to improve her technique under samba coach and passista Nubia Quele Santos. She aims to represent and dance Brazilian samba in the most traditional form possible while continuing to develop her style, increase her experience and growth.

Although samba is her main passion you can also expect to see her practice other forms of
dance including Brazilian Zouk and Sensual Bachata.

NC Brazilian Arts Project